Friday, June 20, 2014

Upper Cape: Onset and Buzzard's Bay

I spent a delightful afternoon on the Upper Cape in the villages of Onset and Buzzard's Bay.  These hamlets are off-the-tourist track, and serve year-round populations of 1,573 and 3,859, respectively.  Quaint, working-class, and authentic.  The Cape Verdean community help diversify these villages, and one senses a shared community, not of one's ethnicity, but as a Cape Codder.  So many locals were proudly sporting some sort of Cape Cod T-shirt, with the ubiquitous Boston Red Sox ball cap.  (I can't believe I mentioned the Sox in a blog--not a fan, but anyway).  

The Cape Cod Canal and it's elevator train bridge provided entertainment for all of us in the recreation area when the bridge lowered and a slow moving freight train crept through.  There are several good restaurants in the area, selling the usual Cape Cod fare of fried clams (with bellies) to lobster rolls to linguine with clams.  Today, I ate Thai from Krua Thai.  The made-to-order food was quite good, but slightly on the greasy side.  Mark Anthony's is good for fish and chips, pizza and other comfort beach side food.  I bought a can of ginger beer from a convenience store, don't usually see this in the local Stop & Shop.  Gosling's.  Quite good.

I needed a restful day, and a hop-skip-and-a-jump away, I was smelling the saltwater and occasionally finding sand near my toes.  I couldn't include the video of the bridge lowering and the train crossing even though it was awesome when everyone stood up to watch the entire episode. (It's only a minute-and-a-half, but it's not uploading).  In the video you could hear the train, and excited children (of all ages) as the train approached!

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